Ironically, a cowboy, the most heteronormative character in film history, serves Ezra Šimek as the embodiment of their dreamlike heroin’s journey toward a gender fluid image. Rather than fighting wild pistol duels, this cowboy unites with a witch and together they and the film bury traditional gender roles and oppressive world models.
directorEzra ŠimekcastHana Frejková, Ezra ŠimekscriptEzra ŠimekcameraDenis KozerawskieditorKarolína ČejkovámusicOliver TorrlightsTasya NafiginacostumesZenita HelgoproductionSofia Rubinsteinco-productionJindrich Chalupecky Society , sjch.czproduction assistantZeynab Kirikou Gueyegraphic designVeronika ŠvecovácoloristPetr RacekMUAMartina LoyBTSMichael Lozano